임의의 점에서 원이나 호에 접하는 선 그리기
;; TAP -Gilles Chanteau- (maj 12/06/10)
;; Draw tangent lines to specified curve
;; The line length is entered at the command prompt or with the cursor.
;; 3d working whatever the ciurrent view except if the the line direction
;; is perendiculat to the view plane
Flatten a 3D Drawing 1.0.0 (0) | 2021.11.09 |
2D 나무 심볼 모음 (0) | 2021.11.09 |
치수선 값을 엑셀로 내보내기 (0) | 2021.11.09 |
Exporting Dimensions to Excel (0) | 2021.11.05 |
객체 교차점을 끊는 LISP BreakObjects.lsp (0) | 2021.10.20 |